We have a new online fundraising intiative - Easyfundraising! it's easy to sign up, you just have to nominate us as your chosen charity, the online retailer then pays a small % of items purchased to us. Most major retailers take part. For more information you can use this link How it Works | Easyfundraising
In Avni Doshi’s Booker-shortlisted novel, Tara chooses to pursue her own desires, even as they come at an appalling cost. A restless and discontented young woman in 1980s India, she becomes so enthralled by a guru at a local ashram that she neglects her baby and abandons her marriage. She is absent and unrepentant, thoughtless of her daughter Antara, who later dispassionately describes how she “would disappear every day, dripping with milk, leaving me unfed”.
All welcome. Meetings are currently held on Zoom - if you are interested in joining us, please email or message us via facebook and we will send you the link.
Event Date | 10/11/2021 7:00 pm |
Event End Date | 10/11/2021 8:00 pm |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Individual Price | Free |
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Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7PS
Telephone 0116 237 6162 Email info@rothleycommunitylibrary.co.uk
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